Thursday 23 May 2024


 It’s this constant wander your mind lives like zoning out to visuals and sound of him and that’s when having to deal with work gets that much more difficult… there’s this jeweller wanting to collaborate back to back for shoots as they are launching their store in Hyderabad after vj and the photographer shares the dump yesterday and tat one big disappointment when instead of product photography the guy does portrait photography but the only one being that works on the budget you first give your piece of mind with elaborate details about how it was supposed to be how it turned out to be instead……

Then after talks mentions bout sharing edited content after a few days and Heer the jeweller stylist wanted to see a few images atleast is when you checking the folder realise the guy didn’t even shoot close ups of it and that one more disappointment to deal and tackle with……sit there in the balcony listening to his music and that sound of his words karely there’s nothing that YouTube can’t teach everything’s right there you just need to look for it……

And you research on ways to figure out close ups for missed out campaigns and stuff and it suggests about taking excerpts from videos as they are big sized files…….

Check out the videos shot from the shoot and take a few screenshots of the best images and sit down to edit them……

With the mood you were in the final image turned out to be exact insync with the mood you were in and you loved it def your best edit till date… it made you that happy seeing the final result and ask the manager to post it away and share with the model too to share it…….

And the waaaay it’s gone viral with hits and reach and that one feeeeeeeeeel working on the rest of the edits how trulllllly happpppppy you must have beeeen deep in your heart for the final outcome to come out like this!!!!!!!

It’s this thing this magical thing bout love charlie, when you are so full of love like happy love in your heart gushing rushing with love no matter what you do what you put in your heart or mind at the final outcome defffddf comes out the best yet…

It’s that beauuuuuuuuuty of to just live loooooove him ayyyaa and the waaaaaaays it makes your heart happpy away not even like you met him for real but to live these moments this random most moments throug the day too kid walking finding his music in random places even with the meet with the stylist at roast and she talking bout the future project the mood board and stuff his blu mar ten starts to play…….and your hand on the file ahead immmmmediate rush of goosebumps on your skin and the waay she laughs over it seeing your skin transform in less than a second…I mean who even knows the artist cause you’ve never heard it anywhere else it’s that secret stash of his music artist list kinda thing and to hear that sound again of all days today after this morning himcoming to those flashes of the drive in his car with him it’s like toooooo many himversions in that one second……

That u again had to excuse yoruself and run out for a bit to get normal again and cause you just couldn’t stop smiling like you come back in again and the smile was still there and she asks you if you were upto continue or wanted to leave cause your mind shift soul shift was that evident……

And somehow push through the meet and on your way home that one state of mind reliving him how much how much more can you possibly miss someone and in how many more ways possibly!!!!!!

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