Thursday 23 May 2024


 There’s this thing you’ve realise over missing him with various versions and levels of missing!!!!!

Like even with intense missing like this morning the waaaaay those visuals of him rush throug you on loop like no matter what brushing getting ready for work cause you had multiple unskikkapble meetings today and the waaaaya the head just wouldn’t think straight there were too many things work wise to deal with today and yet mind that beauuuuuutifully wandering back to that one visual of him over you with this black shirt hanging loose over you and the waaaaaaaaaay he looks you in the eye looming his grogeouuuuuus best wit full daaaaaadi that you try to reach out to him by raising just your face and the waaaaay he smiles slightest and moves his head a lil away wanting you to reach out more again……

Like that one play one tease that one visual of him plays on loooop even when you had to fix this one meet with the jewellery stylist today over call and you kept zoning out with her having to ask you again n again are you there Shriya hello checking to see if you were still there and one more zorkaa hello and you lane back in reality!!!!

To at work and this one kid downstairs walking the same block tile walk of his akele akele and you immediately head down and walk along with the kid to a distance and again u turn and back to the office on your own akele akele walk his way it’s that when you realise you do miss these things bout him things to do bout him things to do WITH him everything together and then it all comes down to that one very important aspect of it all over everything else to LIVE that beauuuuuuuty of him being just him in entirety!!!!!

And HOW much you miss him that way just him being him like in that moment watching that kid from above u realise u missed seeing him do that too like to just stand there and watch Him walk like that could do anything at all in the world to live that moment to live those moments of him being just Him to live to experience that wonder and magic of all of Him and every bit of him!!!!!!

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