Saturday 15 October 2022

This very thing!!

 This very VERY thing of magic of writing anything him and the way it all like always starts to flow and how!!!!!!!

The second you step out of the gym him waiting for you downstairs with some random conversation about why you reached late that day the way he immediately questions saying he was waiting for you wondering you might not come and then he won't be able to see you again for few he was done with his workout for the day and yet was waiting for you cause you were out looking for aamlas.....the way he fataaak se mentions bout knowing the exact place you would find them......

Wearing the red chudidar that day as you walk towards him that one beauuuuutiful smile with big sparkly eyes and the way he mentions I never liked chudidars before the way his face his eyes his smile lit up like youd never seen's those moments charlie when you look in someone's eyes that one look that one stare that makes you realise feel like suddenly you are the most beautiful one like ekdum se you feel that just by living that one stare for you that was your first time ever feeling that way for him feeling that way about your own self......just happy!!!!!

And the way all throufb his gallis as you are looking around at the decorations at stores that sugar sweet colorful candies stores around and him just lost in you with that ONE smileeeeee of his glued on !!!!!!!

U didn't want to write out today just cause of this feéeeeeel reliving it all it just is feeeling very different this year.....years charlie been years now and that one face that one feeeeeeel in you for him stronger with evry year just couldn't change it or get a hold on it......never was upto you I suppose!!!!!!!

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