Tuesday 4 October 2022

The scent of nostalgia…!

 A self chill time after a very very long time of last few over hectic weeks of early mornings n late nights at work with bare minimum breathing space but made few very good changes…..

This beauty of nostalgia that also comes along with familiar scents n tastes from back then…

Scent of mehendi n the taste of aarselu !!!!!

Final day of Navratri and Pooja at studio this need to try mehendi after a decade almost and the way that sound of his words comes along with the sight n scent of mehendi!!!!!

Bad at mehendi designs u burn your right hand few fingers at Pooja today so you copy a few burn marks that look like lil dotted stars…….

This beauty of some nights the scent of October music this good playing echo of words from the past and visual of lil dotted stars on fingers!!!!!

Something’s again beyond reasons or logics I say!!!!!!

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