Tuesday 11 October 2022

Heights n Mountains!!!!!!!

 Heights and mountains and peaks of cuteness I saaaaay!!!!!!!

Inneeeee itttaaaaaaaaaa cuteeeee kaiseeeee like howwwww and the things it does awaaaaaaay with your mind just one look one glimpse one slightest of something anythung or pooora him like today and THIS you it leaves you with is beyond the logics and words of the world I say!!!!!!!!

THAT one smile leaving your face with the widest biggest smile glued away on your face howwwww like this feeeeling all khush away just by seeeing him smile that one smile awaaaay!!!!!!!

Now when packaging words like mehbooobnagar Dd colony this beauuuuutifully insync is khushinesss beyond worlds I say!!!!!

Said it before can say it a zillion times over nothing can possibly make you this THIS happy the way anything to do with him does!!!!!!

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