Tuesday 25 October 2022

His candy!!!!!

 Where for some reason you like the sound of how it fits in but it adds that bit of something else when you rethink it and keep the title as His candy instead of Him candy multiple reasons than one u say!!!!!!

Designing the hamper planning stages and for multiple reasons the manager suggest some brand designer to go design it and like always instead take it in your hands to save that extra cause they sure charge huge amount for a single package to just design it......

The very first thing you sure wanted to add was the candy he introduced or re introduced you to cause you tell him yove had white one bachpan mein never knowing it comes colored too and insists you trying the pink one you hoping it tastes like strawberry just cause it looked pink and you have another blonde moennt asking him immediately after having the pink one but it doesnt taste like strawberry flavor and just looks like it him that adooooorablyyyyy chuckling away to that very second......

It's only after he insist you have it do you realise and trace back to the taste of in bachpan.....it was that beauuutiful feeeeeling in some moemnts with him charlie the way it almost felt like him holding your hand away as kids and taking you back to a moennt you still being bitter bout instance and him making it better for you.....some situations like it was that beautifully close to that feeeeling!!!!!

Soooo yahhhh adding that memory of him with deepawali plus those initial moemnts walks with him around streets of his house to just lvingn those first moments of being lost in him walking at a distance like you just had to have that something in that this time......and overall it did turn out the best even from the people who received it......

It's that one thing you've realised time n again you do something for the sake of doing with all the effort that you can with all the life in you that you can it will turn out good but you add love to it even be it just a hint of love to anything that you do, the outcome of something like this goes beyond everything else.....

A simple realisation that yove lived experienced a zillion times already!!!!!

Howleeeeeee you gorgeoysssss lil big adoooooorable thing how only you were missed abhiii k abhiii just writing writing!!!!!!!

That one face ayyyaaaaaaaaaa that black t high collared ayyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one delicious looking feeeeeeeeling fuzzzy daaaadi vibes ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mera poooora heart kidney every single lil smallest to biggest organ right there i say!!!!!!!!!!!!

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