Tuesday 25 October 2022


 It’s these conversations you used to have rather he would sort of often ponder about and share it with you with whatever experience he has had that day later at those most loved Golden hours of the late nite and early morning hours…

Friendship was one of those!!!!

Very recently you’ve had multiple experiences where you’ve realised too many things bout who stays and for how long they truly manage to stay by and stick with you…..

Either they stay with you chill with you cause you are on the same page as them no growth or they look upto you which are definitely the good ones cause they not only aim up but also are the high thinkers who in a way help with your growth as well as an individual cause you always learn from the willing who are open to learning as it’s a constant journey for you never are fully learned or learnt!!

And then there are the others who either want to take that piece from your growth or just wanna pull you down to their level cause they just can’t digest you there!!!!

It’s been weird off late cause you truly thought then to be your just bout good friends maybe too soon judged would say!!!!!

It’s these things that he used to talk bout the very same topic when mentioning bout mango and the crowd and not calling them his actual friends and considered his Bombay group mostly Faizan his actual friend cause that’s where he considered the start of his growth and being that inspired by that one friend of his…..the waaay he used to that fondly talk bout that guy and then Lok at you and add you know you are the only next person after faizan that I actually preferred and loved talking to hearing from the very first thing in the mornings even much before I am fully awake cause I had that habit with faizan it’s been you after him…you know this one adoooorably weird thing bout him he sure had the most adoooorably funny way of showing his love for you like his references part of it was the most ironically hilarious in some instances like this one with faizan or with his other one being Indira !!!!!

Like it’s in those instances you reallllly ought to know him to underStand that’s how much he loves you like that big of a deal like he had his most adoraaaable of ways you just gotta know and understand how he is relating you with like how much that means to him!!!!!

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