Thursday 27 October 2022

State of mind...!

 Sometimes you just can't really defiiiine out what exactly is that you are feeeeling like what do you call this state!!!!!!

Neither happy nor sad or broken or even a tear single one cause it's been happening all these past years same time around where initially it's that hit of sudden rush of joy reliving reminiscing moemnts from back then reliving him lilst things bout him his ways of love and all n more what you'd felt same time around lived same time around and then the absence of his hits you and missing him gheres always that one lil moemnt of sheddung a tear just cause you suddenly realised his absence.....

But this year ever since yesterday there's been this calm this weird state of in between neither happy or sad it's just blank.......

Didn't wanna write mainly for this reason cause mostly when your mind feeels this way you write more and it leads to something else so this time you just wanted to just be stay off and see how it felt........

Better ?! Still the same.....not sure what this is!!!!!!

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