Sunday 16 October 2022

Bond ||

When you accidentally hit post and now you gotta relive the same vibe again!!!!!

Ahhhh moments like these visuals like these and a zillion times over i say a zillion lifetimes over n over again that one same face in the world for you!!!!!!

The way it feels like the mediaeval time thing the BC or AC kinda lifetime of living that one beauty!!!!!!

To just recall how no WhatsApp no camera and a LIFE lived i say!!!!!!!

So back to that time of the history with no camera on yours you take his and ask him where the camera eas and how to take a picture and stuff and the waaaaay he shyes over saying how nobody really clicked q picture of his and shows you anyway and the second you hit the camera thing thing the shutter style of it was like the same bond style back then and you get all excited asking him where's this from like yohve definitely seen something similar like it was familiar you just dint know back then and the way he that adooooorablu like always answers awat explains away your yet another dumb Blonde moment saying it's from the bond films !!!!!

Take his picture and he actually s pulls over to the side of the road to see the picture you'd taken and that one smileeeeee of his charlie i swear no other smile till that makes you feeeeeeeel all that away on the inside the waaaaays his smile one smile used to......just the way it made him that happy and adds not bad i must say take pretty good pics!!!!!!!

To think of it now that was the start of this love for capturing moments nai!!!!!!!

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