Tuesday 25 October 2022

Lifetransformation Day...

Telangana formation day , same to same this one being you and your life transformation day 26 October 2009...

The day that truly was start of it all that lead to the next day of love or midnight of love rather.....

Some days and dates no matter how many times youve lived and relived is something you can never grow used to....

The way it always feeels this special every single year this time around ......and with this typical October chill in the air all the more!!!!!!

Morning show wake up sid to that drive to sanghi temple lil did you know nai what it was leading you and your life to.....

Even with these many changes there are these instances in some books that have these mentions would you make the same choice again now knowing this is what it lead to and every single that one loud scream inside you that screams along with questjons or statements like for and with him a thousand and more times over and over again.....

It'll always be Him, even with this now knowinf still you would make the same choice same decision a zillion times over......

It's this most important part of all of you that pretty much defines you now - Him...!

Even writing it now again how only you were missed kabhi thooo uskoo kuch thooo feeeling veeeeeling Hona nai inee pakkka yaaad Kari Aaj tho bolke itttaaaaaa zoooooor zoooooor se full power feeeeels when you feeel away like this!!!!!!!!

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