Friday 21 October 2022


 There is this reality on one side but when you live days like these there were a zillion moments together in one single day right from the very start of lvingn him almost same way but as you go closer to touch his face away you woke up this morning.....

To just lvingn him the exact same way that you tripped over at the salon the other day like it suddenly gave that sense of something to that moment that you lived alone that day at the he literaaaalllky walked from that moment to this one today inthat very same t shirt......and looked all the more gorgeous today there is this loooooooooive for that one expression of his when he is too lost doing something and that one face he makes ignorant of the world around and sooo lost in that moemnt it's like all of his adooooorable ESS comes out in that moennt all over his face just the waaaaaay he looks in that moment charlie!!!!!!!!

The ZILLUON times you've lived that expression that moennt and loooooved it every single that beauuuuty of his messy hair and daaaadi.....

Right from that moennt of your heart walking out hands in pocket to today your heart sitting right there looking all of the things adorable!!!!!!

The second you se that picture of his this smile on your face this rush on your mind just wokkdnt go i say!!!!!!!!!

This feeeeeeeeel of him charlie just the waaaaays it makes you happpppy away like you just can't control or hold back your matter how serious the conversation is about which light to put out in which balcony your mom asking and you are standing there holding the pack in your hand and just smiling away with that one picture in motion playing on loop in your mind......

Serving dinner taking the plate putting the plates back smileee still there it's thus level of Khushi he brings along beyond logics i say!!!!!!!

Even as you write now and relive him from that moennt this smileeee i say.....

Worst of traffic jam today hours together but there you are his music tripping and smiling away to eternity I say!!!!!

Like now you actually like jams cause that's your time of lostness his music playing moment memory tripping and today thooo this alone moemnts of Khushi rushing on the inside was a different level only!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeee YOU are missed like nobodys ever missed i say if only you knew

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