Sunday 16 October 2022

One Love...

 There's this hyper mush movie that you stumbled upon làst night and didn't watch the whole movie again cause of the feeeeeels it was overfilling you up with!!!!!

It's this thing charlie living reliving moments líke these lilst of him in tiniest of moemnts that comes along with visuals and the waaaay it still amazed shocks you sometimes by the way how you did manage to recollect remeber that one tiniest detail bhi of that moennt.....cause you have the worst memory possible today it's just him....

And this very moemnt when you relive the before and the after today this one feeeeeel that's a lot of feeeels for one day I say!!!!!

This one month every single year every damn beautiful single year the waaaaays it fills you up with him is beyond words...

The movie was bout knowing realising how that one love is what happens in a lifetime the rest you stumble upon are just mere experiences and some people realise it sooner that it's that one person for you and for some it's a lifetime full of experiences and then go back all the way to realise it's always been that one...

To you with you it was that beautifully evident right from that first moment of just coming across him watching him walk towards you without even knowing him wuthou4 even seeing him the way it just made you feeeeel on the inside all fo you living that transition of self for the first time........the way his presence just holds you away without even seeing him nothing at all qnd yet that one strong feeeeeeeel to just be that way to just live that moemnt to just live him with that wait of one step more one step more one step closer.......

No matter what he calls it thinks it to be wonders it to be no matter the circumstance this him in you is just different charlie.......and you've felt and relived this been self assured about your this very feeeeling time n again year after year!!!!!

Something's I guess are just beyond your power and logics....just meant to be the way it is just that beautifully beyond you...

Having loved lived that one love for life...!

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