Friday 21 October 2022

Night sky.....

 Evry single time you live moemnts like this or the like the ones today througbthe day sky trippin lost in all him the way it always takes you back to the first time you sort of started to live the beauty of the sky be it day or night day with clouds and night with just stars and the mystic beauty of the queitmenss that comes with the night at that oddest of hours.....

It was like seeing a new world altogether lvingn a new world around living a new you that was most you that sort of was hidden away inside and that popped out and along with him!!!!!!

To live him lost in the sky like random conversation over coffee on gym steps and suddenly he would look up and show you the clouds and you lost in everything he wasvfeeeling away in that moennt his face charlie malooom nai kya kyu it just makes you happy just that happppy from the inside just looking at him lvijjg his existence his presence his list of details just used it make you that happy on the inside......

To lvingn the night sky along with him over the call at that oddest of hours to live the beauty of it live the beauty of him at that hour even over his voice to watching him living his beauty under the same night sky more than half sleepy lilst chaddi beauuuutifullu messy hair and that one beauuuuuutoful lostness in his expression cause he was that sleepy and the way he would just lay close to you one hand under his head and just talk bout the sky talk bout you from the gym or just bout the birds and the beauty of that moemnt with he was that passionate bout talking moments bout you with you cause that's how bad he missed telling you things bout how he always knew it would be youbolke something's you write and relive and this feeeeeeeeeling now!!!!!

How was he even tht sure of bout that sure like he could almost list out the things he wanted to watch with you share with you like he had all planned the way he talked bout making you listen to his fav something like everyday wood add something to's magic of those moments with him to his just that need to hold you soon after waking up like he just had to be with you close to you qjd just hold you the way he wouldn't say a word qnd just come over chappals in hand soon as he sees you not a word nothing hold you pull you closer take to the other side 9fbthw terrace make you sit and just hold all of you away qnd just be that way..... not a single word nothing and yet everything just made sense just by the way he moves holds you closer.....

There was that beauty of those moments living two sides of you at once to just live those versions of him under the night sky....

The other day at studio when she leaves the fine and goes to make coffee see the loved circle and see he was in Hyderabad and somehow love weird love for numbers the way the metre goes from 20 to 28 tick tick bolke as it blinks the way it felt like it was changing those sheets of daily Calendar and how with every passing day a day closer to him another day closer to him October 2009........

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