Tuesday 11 October 2022

October 21!!!!!

 Right from the very start of this month the way almost every other clients order is dated to be at 21st!!!!!!

Dispatch hoirs and all you hear is this one most loooooooooved date on the calendar it's the most special date dat for you !!!!!!

This very day that one wonder of the world being born it's this beauuuuutiful scent in the air every year this time around the waaaaay waaaaaays it just feeeeels very different and can never grow used to it...

That start of the day rushing over him to his side of the bed to just get that one gliose of him and then at work her fone on the table her discussing the work program for the season ahead like the colors you wanted to finalise and work wise changes and stuff and all you could trip over was that sight of her fone that's when the store manager walks over asking to checkbwity the work downstairs as they had some doubt andbyou ask the manager to go instead as you had to make some call and she leavesthe fone and heads downstairs......

Thd one rushhhhhhhh to take the fone that very second and as you seee that one most loved circle right there his hair short now but the waaaaaaaaaay he looooosj that adooooooorable charlie!!!!!!!?

Evr since the startcmerkuuuu nai maloooom why seeeing him smile alwaaaays made you this happy for no reason yeeee andaar se he aisaaaa kyaaaa ho jaaaata like you can almost feeeeobyourb lungs heart kidneys evry lipnto big organ smiling awaaay the widest smile possible to just see him smile that one smile of his!!!!!

THAT much innocence that leaves you in dilemma for the moment if to eat him away or just stay there and adooooote him away!!!!!!!

His sister and him same pose with lucky almost the same pose this time andbthe waaaaaay it feels like nothing really changed over time and also when it makes you feeeel years passed by!!!!!!

Why nothing no one else makes you feel this on the inside even if you leave everything to the side just this feeeeeel what's this whys this the way it is!!!!!!

And this one song exact vibe of what and how you feeeel right now!!!!!

Mind is on this flight mode ever since that moennt of seeeing him at work getting designs sorted client meets mind still in abworld of its own.....like it that clearly shows 9j your face with questions ar9und you are just not here today.....when the manager mentions that and the second you change your posture and get back to the discussion the way she comments over your childlike acting skills to show the fosuc but naiiii hotaaaa charlieeee kittttaaaa bhi karlooo kuch bhi karloooo once slightest of anything him hits you touches y9u even whispers away something the waaaay it just leaves you transformed!!!!!

The mind the heart all of you on this flight mode off and away from everything else.....closer to all things Him!!!!!!!!

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