Monday 3 October 2022

This mind now!!!!!

 It's EVERYTHING him kinda day today too!!!!!!

According to you it was just a meet just stopping over a temple to do some mannat of your mom's complete that day and he takes you to that only temple after many temple searchings.....stays out cause of the family issues he was dealing with back then.....soon as you are back those moemnts with him to just see him live that version of him from that upclose changed something inside of you then and there itself...

It was that whole beauty of transitional moment charlie from all that fear of touch closeness there was that moment to see him live his details from that close to feel that beauty of his forehead and then most importantly to live that moment with him looking you in the eye like that one starevof his always that makes you feel like he is looking through and inside your soul...not just looking at you!!

The way that moment just held the two of you and HOW!!!!!

it was only till the sound of the traffic around that made you realise you were lost in being love was something you realised much later but then itself it's like something just shifted in you that moment with him.......!

All your way back at the studio it's been very hectic last few weeks and today too amidst all the rush rush at work it's him charlie the waaaaaaay anything to do with him slightest of him eases your mind out and how!!!!!!

It's like suddenly and just that beauuuutifully you land in another zone altogether!!!!!!

Everything inside outside just feeels that beautifully slow mellow hazy high kinda state of mind.....

Almost home and just check on insta with some friends message asking to meet for the festival and first post you see instead is of Wake Up Isd!!!!!

13 years!!!!!!!!!!!

There are times when his words just hit your mind with that harsh reality side of him telling you things you don't wanna repeat including dint remember a thing bout's that point you reach mind wise heart wise that says screams sometimes give up!!!!!!

And amidst everything else there is one moemnt of him with him that you relive that again changes it all away and HOW!!!!!

It in a strangely beautiful way reminds you how why you couldn't give up all this while!!!!

Like reasoning out for the way you feel for him and why nothing could ever change it...!

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