Sunday 16 October 2022


 It’s been a mixed feel start to the youday today with that dream and then the search that followed after to that highest intensity rush of him rushing through you that you still couldn’t manage to take a notch lower cause when that one beauuuuuuuty of him of a tornado almost strikes you it takes it forever to subside down!!!!!!

To this chill night post mixed feeeels day today put on a doc with his music playing hoping that would calm the mind down that’s still trippin’ rushing over the visuals of him from the morning today !!

It’s a sound of bond doc and the second you see the thumbnail image of it his iPhone camera back then……this one time first time him driving up at necklace like that’s how specifically clear that one moment that one visual of his is this THIS clear in your head and sometimes the waaaaaaays it still amazes you is beyond logics!!!!!

Sooo yah back to that moment as he drives and as always lost in how gorgeous he looked how happy he looked talking bout something and you take his phone cause back then you didn’t have a camera phone siiigh those were the days sometimes again the way it feels like a lifetime almost of living him!!!!!

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