Tuesday 11 October 2022


 THIS one month is your complete heart!!!!!!!

Right from the start of this month the series of dreams moments flashes of him the waaaaay your every single sec of the day is on a rewind playback mode every lilst instance every lil flahs of him moemnt of him sound of him like it all rushes and plays through you every single of this month!!!!!!

This month that gave you HIM!!!!!!

His birth month where this beauuuuuuty of him was actually born and ever single year this one month and that bigggggest sigh of a thank you to his mom for HIM!!!!!!!

not just to know him to having f9unf him but more importantly to be loved by him!!!!!

And HOW!!!!!!!!

it's this feeeeeeeeeéel that you mind looooved to stay afloat at all through this month right from the start of the month 18tj was the countdown sometime around and also when you trun the ultimate subodh prolly the only thing in your life thT you remember things minutest details about!!!!!!

Right from the start of the daaay today to that almost second when you just wait for him to turn towards to just seee himncause he had been talking something all that while and in slowmo was taking that turn towards and un haste or something you try to hold or go toward his side of the bed from over him trying to look at him in a rush and you wakeup with almost hanging over the edge of the bed a second away from falling off it!!!!!!

But lile always that one feeeeeeeeel of missing out on seeing him this morning !!!!!!!

Lil did you know what was ahead!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaa suchaaaaaaaa yummmmy cuteeeeey feeeeliw he is!!!!!!!

Hair cut lilst daaadi but that one smileeeeeee ayaaaaa the waaaay it just makes all your insides smileeeee away just to seee him smile !!!!!!

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