Sunday 25 February 2024

The stare…..!

 Soooooo yaahhhh!!!!!

To his place too!!!!!

His usual style of sliding over the side thing of the stairs and right before that there used to the dining table and wit his sister around the house doing random things him in his room letting her spend that time with you…..

And at the dining table almost lunch time and him sliding over it coming down and that visual that feeeeeeeeeel every single time wit her still asking something bout food but you your mind your eyes all of you on the inside outside just lost in him…….the way he would do that looking you in the eye and soon as he comes down that one time he says laughing away looking you in the eye this chair ku side pe karke seedha udhar land karna nai mein and you excitedly nod away saying a yes and him nodding back at you with that shy smile on him and all of this his sister still asking what it was bout as she doesn’t get it what it was bout……

Him talking bout the way you were happy seeing him wanting to land over right before you on the table for you to eat him instead of the food before you……

Like he would know just knowwwwwww that well bout how exactly you felt every single time just living that presence that one visual of him even at the book store you looking around at comics and he would be on the actual book side and across the shelf that one visual of him looking at some book and you just finding that corner of being able to see him…

It’s this feeeeeeee cahrlie that love loving someone comes along with…it’s not just bout seeing them that makes you happy it’s somehow bout the gratitude it fills your heart with to just have them in your life like that sudden realisation oh wow it’s Him that ekdum seee used to make you happy smile every single time you see him…….

Even at his Dd space meets standing at the door he would stand there at the entrance look at you with that wiiiiiiiideest smile possible and say in that soft tone of his voice like even writing it out now you can almost hear him his voice exactly say it in that tone whatsaaaaap smiling teeeeth widely one hand holding the door the other against the wall and just checks you out top to toe smiiiiiling that smile…

Only after a min or two letting you in and immediately walking a lil away and just living you that way as you close the door turn around and see him a lil doooor across the room just watching you with that smile and telling you again sooorat dekh Teri kaisa smile karrri and him telling you this whilst having the most gorgeous smile possible glued on his face!!!!!

And as you step a lil closer the way he would take a step back and you make some face and the easaaay it used to make him that happy away and slowly lifting his arms up for a hug and the waaaaaaaaaaaay it would make you run to him!!!!!!


It was just yesterday he was here the way it still feels like it was just yesterday !!!!!!!!

These visuals this clear him from that very moment this THIS clear!!!!!!

In that very spot of his house!!!!!!!

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