Wednesday 28 February 2024


 When you finally openly like actually openly say it out there’s no face like his there’s nothing else that ons you like him!!!!!!!

Exaaaaactly why you don’t trust people and drinking out out…

Lomitiatyons is something people just only understand charlie……

When you rush to the washroom after ordering a gin something which was milder version and come back sipping tequila something away and the waaaaaaaaay it hits you like you had al him eyes the waaaaay everybody sitting on the opposite did become him……like for those few initials mins it was all him all across the couch on the opposite side……

This restaurant thing of a friends family and after a lot of sniping you finally head over and with 3-4 other friends of hers they call for diffeeent different drinks and you ask the milder gin version and rush to the washroom…….come back first two sips wow wow and you gulp more fataaak se……and that echo of him karely that’s not how you drink howliii and the waaaaay it makes you giggle away while sipping it……and you try to walk a lil away to take a home call or something it was and you just couldn’t walk straight…go back to sitting not saying a word and the way she comments something and holds your hand making sure you are okay and you drink more water but that drink tasted soooooooooo good charlie with all things pineapple mint and something!!!!!

And some guy friend of hers comments over how your face turned red and you move to the next table strangely as it was empty too and talk to her from there…….all you remember was somebody saying how you were off like something looked off and you actually say it out by there’s no face like him cause it was all him that you could see sitting there with you like he used to at his place across the dining table and you actually were him trippin looking at that spot across the table and say it put nothing ons you like him………

And she comes over holding you and taking that remaining glass away and you try to eat more and drink water more…

And just wasn’t feeling right cause that drink as deeeelicious it was it was toooo strong like the mind running in ripples and as much as you were loving it you didn’t like that sense of losing your sense in a public space with people not so close to……drink some water more and ask her to drop you till the car!!!!

Manage somehow and on your way back most of the cars MH again and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him from that opposite side of the table just looking you in the eye like he was actually there for real like all you could see feeeeeeel was him!!!!!!

Him in a navy blue shirt full grown sexness of his daaaadi his high shy eyes and that one constant smiiiile on him!!!!!!

Be it that pharmacy moemnt or at manam choc a guy wears that same khaki jacket of his and instead of ordering for dark chocolate with that person still standing there asking which one you standing and watching that guy and picturing him from the lift in that khaki jacket ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa and the waaaaaaaaaaay he looked messily sexy gorgeous wild human in the rawest of forms!!!!!!

Am telling you nai charlie his missing is absolutely insanely driving you mad like you can’t handle yourself only anymore imagine saying this out before people……

Like the missing is coming out verbally after not being able to hide it al in I say!!!

Few texts of her asking who you were talking bout and stuff things you don’t even know what to answer I say!!!!!

But this feeeeeeeeeeel of him charlie even inn your way back listening to his music reliving him from this morning dream without his shirt or that moennt with the navy shirt on am telling you with or without shirt ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa whattttteeeeeeeeeeeeeee sexesdddsdddsssup beauty he is!!!!!!!

This mind right now!!!!!!

To the second you are home and and first thing you see is the order of pink floyd t arrived!!!!!

Pink floyd collection cause again the waAaaaaaay it always brings back that night drive him dropping you home playing pink floyd and you ask him to play or he plays crazy diamond and that feeeeeeeeeeel or live him with that sound…….the waaaaaaaay he was talking bout the band even though it was a post bup meet it didn’t feel like one…the way he was sharing the music band details and to live him his details his lips his facial expressions his hand moving changing track adjusting the steering trying to get his hand closer and then not holding your hand…to that moment when he finally looks you in the eye whilst driving and just bout looks over his shoulder for a second and back at the road…there was your call your pull to finally be able to go closer and you lay your head over his shoulder and that feeeeeeeeel that one habit always to first sniff away the scent of him and the waaaaay he would move his shoulder close to the face just so he could feel your skin foreahead agahnsf his skin……..

Some moments where to where only it went ever since then Pink floyd has always been more bout him that night drive and this sudden realisation his skin you’ve been missing away a lil too much nai……..

His pink floyd to saying it out how he ons you facepalm nai bodypalm moment that was!!!!!!!

He ons you writing it out and laughing at yourself for again a disaster attempt at drinking out…….this time afyer time unless it’s your mom or with him manifesting lately there’s no drinking out on your own………

How does wearing things that make you feel like his hug just cause it holds a memory of him makes you feeeeel all this away on the inside…….

This wild state getting madder and wilder by the day how like this!!!!!!!!!!

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