Saturday 3 February 2024

Some days!!!!!!!!

 When there’s this missing him rush on this level and you decide to early nights so just soooo you can get the workouts in in the mornings cause there’s this constant yearning to feeeeel him away constantly like on a constant mode!!!!!!

The mind the you his words his sounds sense scent feeeeeeeel taste of him in the dreams it’s this shift in you that’s beyond control and beyond you!!!!!!!!!

Even today this rus to get the workout in even with no treadmill and dancing away between the strength training sets too it’s this state of mind this state of you that feels like just like it used to be back then with him in his presence that side of you coming alive now post every dream of him the waaaaaaay it just stays on and over all you…

This random sound find that you click and this waveeeeeeeee of him that it engulfs you awa y in was beyoooooond…….the way it makes every inch of you move sway slow mo and then to feeeeel him touching brushing his hand over you to that sense of him that strong!!!!!!!!

It was beauuuuutofully passionate madness today like again all that’ strength raining session cardio skips everything didn’t really get you hot and sweaty the way these himversions today did like by the end of it your face was red!!!!!!!

That rush of him every single time making you feel and realise THIS mucn feeeeeeeeeeeel for him and otherwise there is not a slightest feeeeel that you feel inside of you…

It’s these frames of him every expressions smiles frowns mimic sounds too like every lil bit of him to all of him rushing thepigh you all the more…….like his dreams are now on a constant upgrade level with every dream and these wishes you make soon as you are up cause that’s how bad and strongly you wish for him to be there even after waking up just so you can feel him same way again after waking up too…….

Today post that wild mode and you had to immediately change and head out cause the carpenter had come to do some fixtures that you’d called for home and had to tell the placements you couldn’t just couldn’t think straight!!!!! Like that state of mind you couldn’t stop smiling and feeeeeling him on your mind and you go back to room put a mask on just so you didn’t have to control your expressions that were beyond your control anyway…….

Just donnooooooooo like it’s always been right from the very start anything him and the waaaaaaaaay it transforms any bit to all of you away and HOW!!!!!!!!!

This rush THIS constant rush and state of you lately!!!!!!!

How do you even tone it down!!!!!  

Even with an ironic song ignoring the lyrics away just the viiibe n sound of the track and the waaaay it was doing things away to your mind imagining picturing him in waaaaays!!!!!!

This you howwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!

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