Wednesday 7 February 2024


 Howeweeeeeeeee do you even be normal act normal stay normal and get back to being normal after a himcoming like that one or these moments of him being over and around as you move!!!!!!

It’s this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeling even right now as you relive him this morning and this want this need the waaaaaaaay it just grows insanely more every single time……like you have been replaying him from this morning over n over again till this very moment like you can’t can’t hold your mind from doing it…

It’s one zoooomed in ultra 4K zoooooomed in version of him where his skin his daaaaaadi his lips his nose his beauuuutoful forehead his eyes his EYES that close to your face like your lips that close to his and the way he nods away not wanting you to move and just stays that way and then when he moves he MOVED!!!!!!!!!!! And WOWWWW HOWWWWW OWEWWEEWWWWW!!!!!!! 

Said it before can say it over n over again can scream it over n over again there’s absolutely nothing on this or all the other planets that could possibly make you feel the way HE does!!!!!!!!

Slightest of him or like this morning THAT much him and this beauuuuuuuuuutiful rush it has left you with……heart constantly on thishighest pace possible and this feeeeel when you can’t write out and just want to write it out all of him away ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa apart from your mind eyes your senses and everything else your skin your skin the waaaaaaaaaay it senses knows loooooooooves that feeeeeel of him….

Soon up and that one BIGGEST sigh not finding him beside you again yet again!!

To this rush to get in the workout and few madness tracks moves dancin away reliving refeeeeling him away the ultimate moemnt……first these himflows when animalflow also becomes himflows sounding as controversial as it’s supposed to sound but just going with the way it made you feel the way he makes you feeel Jackson prolly wrote it out maybe for this very reason!!

It’s the waaaaaaaaay you feeeeeeeel him wilflkyyyyyyy like changes transforms all of you away to jsut feeeeeel him that way his teeth on skin touch of him scent of him him breathing as you move and breathe along every single time you write nuances out of these moments in your waking state it sounds absolute madness but can’t just can’t help the way it actually makes you feel live him even in your waking state……is this normal even?!!!!!!!

To finding this song a beautiful irony and yet that toooooo made you go wild cause again it’s madness how you feel him strongly with the sound of enreque it’s like HIM singing away in your ears like you could almost feel his lip over your ears yes it’s that level of beautiful madness!!!!!!

How you still donnnoooooo but this magic today when it wasn’t just your face that went red it was the chest too and that very instance this one day coming back from opera u checking yourself usual for his color on you and you see this same thing over closer to chest and you scream it out with that khushi telling him that and he smiles looks ahead and then after a bit stops pulls over to the side and adds now there’s light here show and it was lighter by then but that feeeeeeeeel like for those bits he was waiting to find more light just so he could see it clear and how he looooooooooioved his color on and over you…

Know shouldn’t be writing it out but it was absolute magic to see yourself that way after yearssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!  

Living that exact feeeeeel for him and then see yourself that very way just beyooooooooond!!!!!!!!

Like HOWWWWW!!!!!!!

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