Tuesday 6 February 2024

One dream…!

 All it takes is that one dream the continuation that follows after!!!!!

How do you even cope with high hopes dreams like these specially in this state of mind lately!!!!!! 

This was a day or two back when ignoring the rest of the details as it’s even to write now ……. Family around standing down at the parking lot and suddenly he holds your hand and takes you into the lift pressing away the highest floor and there was this scarf or something that he slips over your neck as you try to hold him or something he pushes you and then again pulls you closer like it felt like you’d met him after long cause it had the same vibes as his coming back from Bangalore meet!!

And something it was and it stays with you and how!!!!!

Jabke it’s been this hectic at work handling too many things on your own and showing around this new intern bout work…

To this continuation again today comes in your ultimate fav black again where you sense his smell initially and that feeeeeeel of being pulled literally pulled holding the neck side of your T-shirt and the second you open your eyes there he was looking his ultimate gorgeously ssxy best in al open black shirt that has your heart kidney and all things in between over it……cause the way he loooks in that shirt like aaj tho it was just name sake shirt there over him jsut cause you looooooovedit on him…….and that side of him like you could see it rush throug him and that one ishaara he does it’s that every string in you fataaaaak se pulled towards him all of you in an instance in the way he looks you in the eye and the second you rush in him the way he was breathing high like you could sense that rush that missing in him!!!!!!!!

Every time you fee him this way that one feeeeeeeeeeel it leaves you with soon as you are up from the dream he missed you that much…….like all of your this missing feels nothing in the way you can feeeel him miss you jsut the way he holds you touches you moves around you sounds of him like all of him making you feeeel away all that n more…

Things you can’t write out obv but the second you wake up today that one strongest rush of missing him with that same restlessness like it’s for sure getting that much more worse by the day charlie like even the random of places make you picture him make you want to have him there with you…….even be it buying groceries the other day and seeing this Chip otle dip pack and just beyond around the store strangely you missed him there with you…

To that jam and you see these school kids crossing the road and one out of em all resembles THAT much of him as a kid…….like that same constant amupto something expression of his as that kid literally movie style stands there smiles away in a way thanking for having stopped and just walks by like that one moennt was literally like watching him there as the most adooooooooooooooooooorablest kid you’d ever seen!!!!!!!

Sooooooo yaaaaaaa Like you just had to rush in the workout and this new thing you’ve been practising late evening coming home from work called as animalflow and today practising it that rush was different it was wilder as the moves are intense takes al of you like you are still trying but to feeeeeel him with these moves over your leg arms and back was something else……..

Like you can sense him breathe touch gently brush against your skin like it’s that strong!!!!!!! Like post these sessions it’s all the more evidently showing on you like you see in the mirror face red that himhighd and two singhs literally in your hair very animalflowy vibes I tell you!!

Whattan irony no to feeeeeeel him this intensely be it dreams or these movements and yet!!!!!!!!!

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