Friday 23 February 2024

State of you!!!!’

 Close your eyes to relive it all one more time before you start to write a day already like this one!!!!!!

It’s this beauuuuuuuuuuuuty of Himcomings lately it’s these versions that he has been coming with today was the bite version of him!!!!!!

It’s like you were somewhere seemed like his house his room wit his nick nackd all around as you look around and you tell him it’s like déjà vu it’s still feeling like back in Versova meet you looking around things of his around and the waaaaaaay he holds you from behind biting away over your shoulder saying them we must do it all nai Versova wale kaaaam and you move or something and he holds you tighter in a way not wanting you to move……that feeeeeeeeeeel of his arms around holding on that way tightest his face over your shoulder and that neeed rush in you to see him to just turn around and seee him and you try your best but all fail with his grip around you……

To that moment when you finally move turning towards him and he was wearing a white shirt looking his sexily beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful best it was almost sheer very sheer like you could see his skin beneath chest beneath and as you lookup finally at him his daaaaaaaaaaadi his high shy eyes looking smaller same way like it used to when high……that smile on him watching you check him out and you come closer to sniff his daaaadi away and he chuckles away that adoooooooorably saying howli kiss karti samjga mein…….it was him from today his sound the way he was talking was all like just like back then….it’s that same feeeeeeel cahrlie with his presence like you are being hyptonised by him away and HOW!!!!!!!

After sniffing him as you look up bout to kiss him and the way he holds your face moves it other way and bites away same side of the neck and jsut stays that way……..try to move doesn’t let you and some sound change and he moves still holding onto your waist and one hand reaches out to his laptop changing the track is when all of his shirt almost falls to one side as it was almsot wide open with his same style of keeping a few buttons off…..and to that moennt when he comes up again in slow mo you grab him instead hold his face instead and kiss him away!!!!!!

As he tries to say something in beyeeen not letting him like that rush of yours was like all of this missing taking it out all at once kinda rush like not letting him talk or move or anything to just finallllllllly live that feeeeeel of him taste of him to just feeeeeel all of him in that one moment where he finally pushes you away again and again bites of!!!!!!

It’s that few moments on loop like you were living him the way you’ve been missing him the most touching him places here you missed him most holding him living moments living him and him doing the same…….it was different cahrlie like both of you living each other feeeling the love feeling each other like for real after a long gap the way it all felt that real not a dream vibe it had that for real vibe…

That much real you actually wake up with a slight pink color of his over your shoulder and beautiful aches same kinda ache over your neck and shoulder…

Shoulder you could still add the logic of weights and workout but the neck the color of his over your shoulder again one of those things just veyoooooooond!!!!!!

Had to had to rush in the workout today you take it slow not finding great music or it was more focus on the himversions and the flows…….

And the moment you get in it’s this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him again all over you that the way it makes you feeel your own skin away…

It’s trippy the wayyyy it does things to your mind away feeeeeling his touch over you in places that sense of him his presence closer to your skin……..the way it makes you feel yourself as you move just something else!!!!!!

This mind ever since the start of the day today neck still feeeels this beauuuuuutoful like a place he had just been over…!

This misseeeeeeing definitely getting this beautifully worse!!!!!

Like when you write out and read your state of mind state of you how do you even reason this out…!

This you today already!!!!!!!!

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