Saturday 17 February 2024


 Himhighdddd and HOW!!!!!

All it takes is that one sense of him that one scent touch feeeeeeel of him and this thing it does away this you it transforms away into!!!!!!

Be it the morning himcoming and the state of you it left in to not being able to work with that wild state of mind cause I swear when he comes looking like that the way he did in the max zoooooomed up version this mind I tell you there’s no coming back from there no taming it down cause it’s all just beyond you…

To this very moment watching house and that feeeeeeeel of watching it witb him back then at his Dd space where he tries his best to make you watch it sitting that close to him and him yet maintains that distance of one hand away from and you take your legs up hoping to get an inch closer and the waaaaay he smiles awaaaay watching the laptop screen…..

Leans over a lil in a way like he was adjusting the screen and you take a picture of his leg and yours in frame with hands over the laptop…and that smile that one smileeeeeee of his widens away that beauuuuuutifully calling you howli watch it and you tell him that’s exactly what you were busy with…

There was that beauuuuuuuty charlie of feeeeelinf that feeel of getting lost in him and him knowing how much you loooooooved living away his details…to the way he leans down closest to your feet almost with his face over your lap and looks up looks you in the eye that one way that sudden rush theojrb every vein in your skin the way he does and comes up with a bottle of water that was just beside your leg with that one smiiiiiiiile on him…and you slowly ask him are we still maintaining this distance and he shush’s you away asking you to watch it……..but your mind all of you with him that close to you you just couldn’t there was no way you could fix your mind n eyes over the screen it’s like every bit in you of you all you ever wanted was is has been Him…….

It was this stupid thing where afyer diskatced meets you told him will see you at cafe and he actually arranges that meet saying so we are at house cafe and we are going to sit how we are supposed to sit at cafe…….

From those hours to eating and still marinating distance as and when you try to touch him hold him and he adds see that’s not what you do at cafe to the moment you finally had to leave and you get off and he gets off comes that close and turns around as if he was heading to the door and you turn around trying to grab your bag and you keep complaining bout khaana khaane ayi kya mein house dekhne ayi kya ek hug nai ek kiss nai and something something constant complaining turning around and he comes and holds you from behind shushing you away as he holds closest and turns you around and there it was your melting moment as always with him…the second you see feel touch hold be held by him that way woooooooooooooosh bolke every single time everything on the inside outside used to melt away!!!!!

All you could sense feeeeeeeel live looooooooooove HIM!!!!!!!

Even writing out that very moment now this rush of goose bumps and this realisation he was that THAT close to you!!!!!!!!holding you touching you feeeling you away that close!!!!!!!!

Like real mein THAT close!!!!!!!!!!

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