Sunday 25 February 2024


 It was supposed to be one of those perfect youday planned that well as a solo date with lucky ali concert today!!

Ticket booked well in advance like it was the last minute society thing for the lift company that you filed for the negligence and risking another residentes life too!!!!!

So it was the final meet today that happens at the last min that u couldn’t skip which goes on for hours and that feeeeeeeeeeeel THAT close you were to finallllly live his lucky ali live on a youday!!

And doesn’t happen and you wrre waaaaay more than just bummed bout it a friend calls up head out for a bit wit her and over coffee late in the evening new her friends cafe opening thing……and as you were on a call with the site guy fixing the date for the shoot they mention the word libra and the no story thing and that immmmmediayely makes you tell that guy call you back later and switch your ears to those mode of conversation happening at the table…

So it was bout somebody not posting stories suddenly that means there’s something definitely seeing somebody kinda thing…

Once it was done you get off head out with his music playing trying your best to divert your mind off the conversation and this other table the girl showing some image of the feet on her fone showing some anklet thing and that very second you miss a step or something on the flat ground wearing flat sliders and fall and slight ankle twist as you sit on the corner holding your ankle massaging it away and akele akele laughing over it!!!!!!

Up the volume of his music and just sit on the lil step to the side eyes closed head down relive him form that very moment relive that touch and feeeeeeel of him that very moennt and some moments the waaaaaaaaaaaay it can suddenly make you feeeeel away is beyond magic or logics for that matter today that very moment there massaging your ankle away picturing him in your mind was much much more than just, magic…!

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