Wednesday 21 February 2024


 It was a rough tough day today be it work and once back early just so you could get that himversion in for the day and the same lift drops almost 2-3 floors on high speed……

It’s been months now since moms incident and you with other residents did raise concerns over but to no use and today that was the scariest ever with just you in it and finally had to file a complint over it so that took the evening!!!!!

Mind overworked come back home late glass of chilled juice topped with ice Ives just cause you had to write out this feeeeeeel of him today kaise bhhi……

And you knew daruuu boletho it will be all out so juice it is set the vibe and mood close your eyes for a bit to relive that feeeeeeel of him and whattttaaaaaaaaa sexy gorgeous piece of art he absolutely was……there was that level of joy passion beautiful beautiful  max madness in just to live that details of his from up closest…….to just feeeeel his hair his lashes his nose his skin and just gently brush your finger against his lip each lip at once not both together……..and to watch him transform in frames literally like gently his expressions smiles would change and you could sense feeeeel his passion grow literally live that beauuuuuuutoful transition of him..

The very same thing between moments to moments this morning and the way it was coming back to his lips feeeling it with your hands and the way he would keep coming closer instead to chummi you and you push his face gently and the way he actually tells you hau nai bhot time ke baad dekhri……

In that slow sexy tone of his voice and that very instance the waaaaay it makes you feel like he was there for real and not just a dream cause you could feeeeel live his details that closely like he was actually there for real…

And it was making you that happpppy away just feeeeelinf his details him looking that gorgeously sexy in that moody tone of deep maroon and there goes another color in the list of colors he looks sexy beauty in apart from that black shirt of his…….even writing it now the waaaaaay it all feels like you writing a moennt of meeting living him in real !!!!!

 Beautiful madness I say!!!!!!

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