Sunday 13 October 2024


 Finalky there and meet her and stuff and talking to her mother and she sends you a text about some guy asking about you and was bringing the guy over and you lookup and there she was…..introduces the guy and the first thing the guy asks about is wasn’t it cri playing in your car as you got off…..and you just nod and introduces about name and what the guy does and stuff……her mom and she leaves leaving you with the guy and you looking around the guy talking about the concert and stuff and make the call excuse and walk out from there to the food counter asking for water…..

Grab the water and head out saying bye and stuff to her mom as she was busy with other guests and leave her a text and back on your way home…

The beauuuuuuuuuty of that complete moemnt is being slammed with moemnts like these and the waaaaaaaay they only make you realise how absolutely right you are on the path that you are…

It’s this feeeeeeeel charlie mom talking lecturing away stuff some or other saying same thing away it’s you alone that knows what it will all come down to…eventually it’s you that has to lead the life live the life with the person…..

It takes a lot to fight for something you truly absolute lfuckingly believe in with every ounce of you and it does take a lot of fighting to be precise…

And this thing HIM in your life is something you have been the only thing sure of in your life right from that very moment he walked d into your life regardless of his presence or absence as that has nothing to do with the waaaaay you strongly feeel for him…

Sex and all things casual is easy to step in it’s all out there but it takes that one thing in your life that makes you realise this is it…….like it’s your first and only but it’s that feeeeeeeeeewl charlie that rushed through you be it back then or now everytime you think of him…

Be it lovingly adoringly caringly possesively passionately sexually or just that need to hold him live him or just that need to hear him or make him sleep on your lap or feed him something like that thing of parental love or the zillion other forms and ways of love it only comes alive with and for HIM!!!!!!

Like andaraaa se only there’s that thing of need to be where you feel like it’s home and it’s always been Him…

Like there are ZILLUONNNNNNNNNNNNNNN feeeeeels you feeeeel away for him sometimes calmly sometimes VERY restlessly but it starts and ends there with him…apart from him there’s not a thing that you possibly feel otherwise like that thing bout feels is something comes and goes with him…other times you are just that plain numb!!!!!!

Like there’s no need or want to be some where else sharing that moment having that conversation looking up at the guy like it just doesn’t happen from within only it’s that numb like you knowwwwww……..

The second on your way home play the music again and there he was it’s like switch mode on and everything him mode on…..


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