Friday 9 December 2022

Ze mind!!!!!!

 This mind on another roll only I say!!!!!!

No luck today this morning with the dream but the waaaaaaaaay a moment a glimpse of him from yesterdays morning stays with you and how!!!!!!

Come back real late last night but this beauuuuty of this time of the year every year around the chilllllllllll in the air in the nights play his music loud in your room and just be and the waaaaay he stays all rushing through you!!!!!!

All it took was a moment a sound of his and the way evrythung you every lil thing you becomes all him and how!!!!!!

The smile wouldn’t go the party the rush the beat on the inside wouldn’t stop!!!!!

To make it all that much more bautifullly worse is the voice of Enrique that also is all him!!!!!!!!

His words conversations moments at opera him proving you how it’s that beauuutiful strong love out of a song randomly played!

Ahhhhhhhhhhh howleeeeeeeeeeeee how only you do this away to the mind to the you I say!!!!!!!

Kabhi booot bar lagta when you miss this strong eldummm andaaar se misss something he should feel no something he should cause vibes are stronger than words and when this vibe feeeels this strong how only what only!!!!

Workout done and HOW mind trippin on all him and HOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

Every single time somehow donno how or what it’s the sublo stretch time that feeeels stronger with all him feels!!!!!!

Beyond logics!!!!!!! This high is def not going down anytime soon looks like!!!!!

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