Sunday 11 December 2022

Live him!!!!

 The beauuuuuty of the dream was the moments you'd lived in his presence...

Who hota nai charlie if it's been too long since you've felt something you somehow underestimate the impact it can have you when you finally live it......

You always knew what and how much he meant stolll means to you in your life.....but to realise reconnect relive that beauuuuuty of his presence all over again was SOMETHING WLSE !!!!!!

Even be it for the dream bhu.....

To just see him walking around talking over the fone speaking to somebody listening to somebody filling that mug of coffee and in between turns to you and you look away walking across the lobby looks at you and you try to hide away with evry bit of you just wanting to run into him hide away in him but there was also that fear of him getting mad at you like what were you even doing there cause you definitely donno how did you even land there like you talk to the lady something bout some work which you don't know don't remember cause her face was blur people around all blurred faces like that part was all blur all you could see there in that big space was him just his face was visible his voice you could hear the conversation he was having with people you could hear not what the lady was telling you like that didn't make sense......

To that moennt when he finalllly was there that close to you having that conversation with you to hear him after years to feeel his closeness like that close to you after years to just him knowing knowing you that well knew it's you just by your hands even reliving and writing it now THIS FEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!!!!!!!!!!!

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