Tuesday 13 December 2022

It’s a met you on the mat today!!!!

 Absolutellllllly looooooove this bit of the start of your day now!!!!!!!!

How what why how only you still got no ideaaaa!!!!!!

It’s been weird lately like the day alstarts off on a beauuuuutiful high but by the end of the day you end up missing him THAAAT bad like it hits a low by the end of the day!!!!!

Coming home after the usuals playing his music and grabbing a book lately but the waaaay the mind wanders to evrythung him his lilst glimpses expressions faces he used to make sounds he used to mimic evrythung starts to rush through you to another realisation’s of how this year not even once the unblock happened!!!!!

Some facts nai make you feeeel alaway ajeeb beyond levels!!

To this start of the day and the waaaaaaaaay he comes charlie ayyyaaaaaaa how only did that one face become all this away for you!!!!!!

That feel of happpinesss that you feeel on the inside soon as you see him is something else…..it’s this closeness lately that you feeel in his dreams the way he is just there to make you feel he is there kinda vibe to it some very slow whispers that you can barely understand but all that matters in that moment is his sound of voice…

To this track you stumble upon mid workout of his eternal sunshine to this one most loooooved time of your workout now…

The sublo moment of his is what it’s going to be from now on…

This track of dreams and seahorses and with the sound that one visual he comes with…

Skype call talking something writing back in between the conversation he would suddenly stop writing and just that one stare lights up his cigarette and just stares smoke in the air just him looking not a word and the waaaaaaay that one stare of his always used to hold you away can’t move can’t speak can’t feeel a thing else than just him…

All through the stretch that one viiiibe of his stare be it Skype calls or somewhere in public suddenly he would stop and just look lift stares across the street across the car suddenly no smile nothing just that one look in the eye and HELD and how!!!!!

World around sounds around evrythung else just stops, all you can feeel hear see live looooove is Him…!

Even writing it now again goosebumps!!!!!!!!

Workout done but the waaaaaaay that moemnt left you with that beauuuuuuuuuuuty of him!!!!!!!

Something in the way he just says a zillion things away with just that one stare not a word nothing at all!!!!! 

Annnnnd when it feeeels like a lifetime having lived a moment of his for real like that one!!!!!!!

Soooooooooo yaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!

The most gorgeooooous seahorse I say!!!!!!

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