Sunday 18 December 2022


 To this morning this restless sleep moving changing sides over n over again again when you don't remember when you actually come back to your room from the couch and this one time you were bout to fall off the bed at the edge and thus one pull suddenly to the othe side as you move this one feeeeeeeeel of him with that scent of his over your neck his daaadi to his chin nose and a moment over momentvit was that rushhhhhhhh in him charlie that you could suddenly feeeel over the way he just holds onto you that strong grip with these moments like you lose sense of what's happening is it abdream or happening for real are you sleeping or awake like you don't feeeel a thing else than him it's like beyond that you just don't remember feeling seeing anything just that rushhhhhhhh of him over you in ways again daaaammmmnnnnn!!!!!!!

Something's this neeed to just write out knowing you can't!!!!!!!

It was very very different charlie these are very things you don't recall relive any which way cause you know the after feeels that well like moments like these suddenly make you realise what it was to feel all this away what it was fo feel him that way to live this feeeeels altogether!!!!!!

It's that sudden weird feel it can leave you after sometimes.....and also when you don't wanna feeel the absence that way it's that weird empty feeel thig that you avoid thinking feeling!!!!!

But starngeky this morning felt that real his feeeel his rush his presence everything every bit of those moments felt like he was actually there with you...somethungs you write and ajeeb it feels it was a dream that you know and stil felt that real!!!!

How only nai!!!!!!!!

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