Friday 16 December 2022

Some days!!!!

 There’s sooooooo much write out bout yesterday’s it was one full day pooora ka pooora day of magic and HOW!!!!!

Out to get the iPhone 14 pro but the wAaaaay the complete process becomes just Him!!!!!! Right from the start to stepping out of the store it was just him!!!!!!

U wouldn’t even expect moments like these to happen and then take ‘em to be just random!!!!!

To this morning wake up with flu like symptoms but the waaaaaaaaay he was there charlie ayyyyaaaaaaa said it before can keep saying it over n over again nothing no one place animal thing literally can make you feeeeeel all this away the way his orsence in any way does!!!!!!

Even slightest of him and the waaaaaay it fills you away with all this that you are feeeeling right now……

The way he had this vibe today of not letting you move slightest away from him the way he keeps holding onto your arm trying to get you come close to him to that adooooooorable nod of his not wanting not letting you move away from him…..ayaaaa IF ONLY this synced well with the reality IF ONLYYYYYYYYY IT DID!!!!!!

More soon finally managed a lil workout to that moemnt everything in you was yearning for literally!!!

The sublo moment of Him…

Play a track no vibe play another one and he was right there this looooooove for the night time city lights the way it all looks like the night sky dream like late at that hour where everything starts to slow down the sound the people around the cars around and this rushhhhh of him with all the orange glo lights twinkiling around……

This love again cause of him…how you looooiooved living him at that hour dropping you back home and the way just bout to get out he wouldn’t let go of your arm it’s like he needed a moment or two to finally let you get off the car like that one face he used to make charlie ayyyaaaaaaaaaa even much before your apartment the waaay he would slow down the car take multiple lanes before finally your place… that same face same expression of his years after at his Dd place just before you step out of his place that same face the waaaay his face used to just transform away his eyes his smile a lil off like everything in him not wanting you to leave just yet……it’s like everything in him holding you back holding you away just standing there looking at you with that one face he used to make!!!!!!!all through the moves today his face this morning his expressions his body language from back then just before you get out of his car his hand holding you his eyes even writing it now this feeeeeeeeeel IF ONLYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

There was that beauuuuty charloe of those moments like all through the late night drives that rush of love on him when your home is far away like he would transform into this beauuuuuuuty at tat hour a walking talking breathing form of all things magic to just bout reaching home and that transformation again……

His face your poooora heart all of him all of you right there!!!!!!!!

Something’s some visuals the waaaay it all felt that beauuutifully insync today!!

This mind since yesterday a Him trip like no other I say!!!!!

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