Monday 5 December 2022


 There are some moments experiences in life you live that sort of make you step back and take a second look at what you just felt or lived and make you re realise what kinda impact it has had on your life...

This morning after almost over a week of no seeing living feeling him he did come this morning and HOW!!!!!!

like that moment few mins meant the whole wide world to you cause you alone what and how it felt even be it for a few mins to just feeeeel him away to live feeel his presence like the second you wake up that strong rush of something rushing jumping through you to just experience that level of joy that level of something that was beyond words that ecstatic to just realise having felt him after that long......even be it in the dream...

And through the day that lostness to realise how you are actually going by in your life without him for real...when you culdnt possibly go on more than a week every single day night rather that waiiiiiit to see him feel him live him sniff his scent away to just feeeel that sense of his presence by your side close to you that wait and when you finally live it that THAT feeeeeeeeeling it left you with...

And in reality going by without him you just know what you miss MISS THAT MUCH!!!!!!

hectic at work but that need to escape and get away from it all and just let yourself soak away in that feeeel of him more...

And this recent hideout escape place of yours that literally feeels like you are in his opera's this street beyond the footwear development campus it's a road the vibe the rocks around the wild plants around that vibe of being away from the world and just you and him just like the opera.......

On days when you reallllly miss him like you did today miss in a way that makes you realise it's just you a missing that makes you miss him sitting beside you close to you a missing that makes you miss seeing him for real for real that you can touch feel live kiss hold when you just don't miss something bout him but all of him in ways you can never write em out all in words.......

Is when you just go there after work or sometimes in between just get away and go there it's now like an unsaid thing where Venky just stops by the lil slope kinda thing gets off the car and sits somewhere and you just be there wit his music playing sit in the car as it's pretty deserted sometimes.....

Just be there for a few mins and come back home with all that much more of him!!!!!!

There are things that hit you on another level on some to just feel him touch his hand look him in the eye and be held by him that way was all that and much much more......

Making you realise how you just cojldnt go beyond a week bhi and it's how did you even go by all these years.......!

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