Wednesday 7 December 2022

wandering eyes...

 There is this lil conversation the other day you have with the manager.....

At concu and she talks about how your eyes are always in that constant search mode like initially she used to take it as you checking out guys or people around but then she realised you don't even look at someone staring at you and instead it's just that constant search like you are scanning people passing by walking by driving by in jams it's that constant search what are you even searching or just your way of thinking or thought process.....

It's not something conscious charlie it's that thing of missing him having m9ssed him all this while like you can go on with work discussions and stuff but when out your lips maybe talking mind thinking planning work bits but it's the eyes charlie in that constant wander mode....kahi tho kahi bhi so see him live his presence for real......aise he kaise bhi that one face in the crowd like no other in the world i say...

Even reliving it now again this one beautiful sigh your heart breathes lil did you know back then how this one face will soon be changing the story of your life away and how!!!!!!!

Make you feeeeel away live away things you've never felt lived before and for a lifetime...!

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