Sunday 11 December 2022

what do you want!!

 Some words some questions this familiar like they play evry year and yet your answer remains the same...

What do you really want for your birthday.....

Cause you didn't look that happy as she adds I thought all these wrr3 something you really liked and you try really hard and your best to show you actual mein wrr3 happy but somehow kaise dikh he jaata......

It did make you feel nice cause you'd been wanting to get one for long just didn't have the time to find which one you really wanted color wise and style wise and there itvwas a navy one of all the color to just finding that Snoopy in powder blue again.....

There is that difference charlie things you think you want and then something your soul feels and knows what it wants already.....

It's always been beyond things you know that real essence of happiness something that your core feeels much before you do yourself was has always been Him...

Even much before you yourself knew it's always been him!!!!!!!

It just makes you feeeeel things you never felt again nothing not even close.....

Be it this morning's dream his presence again where your hands know it's him his voice and the way it makes you feeeeeel on the inside the second you hear it to the moennt when ouy for lunch and the screen plays Coldplay track and you see a guy walking out with a backpack that says gypsy soul all in that very one moment conn3cting to the other one to the other's like making you take notice of these lil moments of magic that had Him screaming right 9ut there throufb those moemnts......

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