Sunday 11 December 2022


 Organizing things reorganizing work bits to getting the deadlines right before you work on branding and stuff......

It's been hectic but there is that beauty charlie like nothing can possibly deviate your mind away when it's this chaotic at work the way lilst something of him that one smile just wouldn't go even with serious discussions on when the manager mentions let's discuss this another day cause you don't seem like you are here in totality...... exactly what it felt like....

Finally ask Venky to take it necklace road and mentions about some race event going to take place on Sunday and the road might be closed but you just had to be there......thankfully one road was open your fav side of it there for a bit have the feeeeeels of finding peace in his that one place closer to him with that rush of him through your mind.....

Head back taking the turn out and you see this car slow by and the girl tries to reach out to the water bottle at the back while the guy looks ahead at the road.....

That very moment your mind goes He never never not even once missed out on a moment like that one whilst you try to grab a bottle of water at the back.....only after he tells you that usually it's always on his door side the water bottle bt ever since you he made sure to keep it at the back just so you c0ild lean over him trying to get the bottle at the back......the way that moemnt in that very place felt that beauuutifully different...

Him his face in that moennt evry single time the way he would always slow the car down slowly move it off the road just so he could come a lil closer and live your presence that way as you try to reach out to the bottle and turn and find him his face that close to he always always did that!!!!!!

It's some moments charlie that make you realise how much HOW MUCB you truly were loved!!!!!!!

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