Sunday 11 December 2022

Dreams to soul...

 To think of it now it's like his soul speaks to you in ways that go beyond logics......writing something's out can seem completely beyond and without logic but it's a strong feeeeel everytime you live a dream that doesn't feel like it was a regular one like it had something to it like some message that you possibly had to decode make sense of and not take it to be just a dream........the way all that while of you just living him to that moennt of realisation how happy he actually was by your presence to the way he just knew its you by the way you held onto his jacket by your nods just by the glimpse of your hand.....the way even throufb rushest moments at work just these things that kept replying in your head on loop....cause it def didn't feel like a casual dream....

Even thinking ot it now as you write out!!!!!

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