Friday 18 November 2022

words & conversations!!

 It's this beauty of some conversations charlie even when she was talking bout how you used to be and what you are now it just made you that just live that feeeeeling even whilst capturing that moemnt that feeel away of just knowing how much him you did become...

Everything that she was mentioning bout be it you not spending on your own self and instead getting that for her or you sitting that way or you then next moemnt listening to the eye doctor crossing your one leg like him and standing that way to just the way you are now generally that one him did transform you away and how.....

To just seeing the jeans in the picture you wear it that way everyday but the sudden vibe of some moment the way it takes you back to him pulling you closer then pulling your leg closer showing the fold asking you how much dust you were carrying to that moemnt when he screams that adoooooorably alter karana nai hota instead of roaming around that messy way.....

With time now it somehow did become your way of having that moemnt with you his sound his that one adooooooorable scream tone at you correcting your nonsense away and HOW!!!!!!!

The way that one moment captured sort of zoned you out completely where your mom trying out frames and you were just smiling away at all of them cause you all of you that beauuuutifully transpirted away to everything him......

It just feeeeels this different charlie when some moemnt hits you like that out of nowhere like suddenly you miss him that baaaaad like that bad need to hold him away run away to him chummi him away even worse eat him away that very moemnt when a missing like that one strikes specially in public spaces out of nowhere!!!

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