Monday 21 November 2022

To dream...

 Never did you ever think dreams would become this most essential part of your life that yóu can't do without!!!!!

It's like soon as you are home after changing dinner and stuff this hour by your self surfing through series or movies sometimes book or music with low light on is like your most loved hours before falling asleep.....almost like prepping up for sleep kinda thing...

There's this wait this excitement this looking forward to Fallin asleep with that strong sense of wait to see him feel him live him feel his presence with and close to you to touch him to just live his presence charlie.....

You know all that while it's still a dream but when yourve literally spent years missing that one face that one presence like no other only you know what it means to you!!

That very second when you feel his presence or even his scent that very first initial sigh of a feeeling finally here he comes......

The character Nemo waiting to fall asleep finding flip when in search of somebody else you would rather skip bout!!

All that while it was the same flip like all she had to do was to find that lock to unlock the actual flip in real life...... it was a twisted one but a beautiful one!!!!!

To set that wild side of hers and flips free to finally be able to live that connection for real after everything they go through...

It had way too many feeels like that same vibe of wandering through big cement structure that you do in your dreams exact same visual to finding some corner or the other flip by her side......

This thing bout him and love charlie it's that feeeeel of having found too many most important people of your life in one he loved you in more ways than why there is this missing this longing of the different hims his versions on different one day it's that beauuuuuutiful sexy rush of missing him as your love somedays it's your crazy best friend that you miss on some that need to be protected someone that protects you is beside you on some it's the dad him that you miss some it's the adoooooooooooiirable kid of yours that you miss!!!!!!

Suddenly this feeeeeel now writing it out!!!!!!!!

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