Wednesday 9 November 2022

side by side...!

 Back to the morning day before!!!!!!

It's been feeling different lately like something just feeels different!!!!!

It's like the day feels ajeeb now it's a weird feeeeling through the day with the wait but soon as it's the shut eye moment the waaaaays he comes charlie it's like the day breaks it all and the night somehow ties it together makes it stronger makes this bond grow stronger with dream...

Reasons logics anything else just takes a backseat or no seat at all rather like all that matters is what and how he made you feel with his presence and that's all that stays with you for the next few days till the next dream till the next presence of his...

Day before this restlessness pehle tho couldn't sleep and somehow open your eyes and you are at his stadium the now one the way it's now and look around the way it's all like the way it's now and that rush that sense of his presence look to you side and there he was from the present too his daaaaadi him in his High collar black t looking his goooooorgeeeeoooouuuuussssss best the waaaay your heart literaaaaaly feels like it jumped out with that mersseee isee zyada fast beat nai hota that kinda solid rush just the waaaaay he looked in that moment as you stay tht way without blinking or taking your eyes off that beauuutiful shy hint of smile on his face with him still looking at the stadium and the waaaay he slowly whispers asking it's been years somethimgs can never change nai and looks at you that very moment the temple bells start to ring exact same moment the way they used to back then......slowly comes close and mein teri baat karu like all you c9uod feeeeel live looooooove was that one visual before you him that close to you in that very same place that you fell rose in love with him that very place that held you made you feel something made you realise it's always been him it HAD to be him......

Even before you could make sense of the moment the way he holds your hand and literally makes you run along with him over the steps to the car outside.....

Moment relived from back was like those moemnts relived that same rush relived like you were loving living the present face of his feeeling his daaadi hisbface away with that feeeeel of finally like even feeling his details his daaadi there was this feeeel rushing through you finalllllly to be able to touch him live his presence in that very same place as he keeps looking around over your shoulder keeping a check on just like he used to back's that soujd of sudden honk or something and you wake up!!!!!

It's that feeeeeeeel charlie soon as you wokeup like you met the today's him in that very same place like you felt lived touched loved the today's him lived that same moment standing beside him with that same ruuuushhhh of a finally!!!!!

Like more than the moemnts it wasvthat whole vibe of that moennt him saying somethimgs will never change it was him talking bout you lost in him just like you used to him talking bout the moemnt you was all very very different beauuuutifully different almost surreal!!!!!!

And yet felt that real!!!!!!!

Even writing it now exaaaaactly why you were holding back from writing that dream out!!!!!!

Agaaaain this very feeeeeeeling its making you feeeeel away and HOWWWWW!!!!!!!

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