Monday 21 November 2022

A day like today!!!!!

 Once done wit the order process they had to all that while talking to his mom and the way she comments on he doesn't really talk much with new people like it takes time but the way he was standing holding one finger of yours and she adds he doesn't look like he is ready to leave you and go...

The sound of some statements and words hits you another level nai!!!!!!

Like till the lift he wasn't ready to leave your finger while she keeps saying will come back again and he keeps rechecking with his mom asking her over n over again you promise you promise.....

Goes down as you stand there over the balcony still looking down and that one wave like immediately as he goes down stands there looks up and waves at you till the second he was put back in the car.....

That one visual and a zillion times lived the very same Him downstairs at his car you standing at the other side of the stairs your fav spot and the way he would wait there for a bit live your presence give a flying chummi and then get into the car.....

It's like a string of pearls again one pearl and the way it all comes after the other!!!!!

Today felt like reliving him from that very first moment of knowing his name to the............!!!!!!

This strange feeel of realisation when living these very moments it feels different you are happy and all but it's this very moment of reliving these very moemnts and connecting to the moemnts from back then visually as you write now why does THIS feeeel this very different.....

It's a beautiful mix of pain and Khushi together ekdum see......

Even now the way it's just feeeling thus ajeeb...!

Ekdum se!!!!!!!!

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