Sunday 27 November 2022


 One messy start to the day already when you wake up half asleep and no sighting of his still it’s that weird feeeel in the stomach I say!!!!

To when first thing your manager lands with a messy news and you need to take care of it now!!!!!

Strange realisation ekdum se ineee aye somehow the day feeeels good like right from the start not sure again if it’s just mind like always or it really does make that bit of a difference…

Rush rush workout squeezed in somehow and as manager still discussing whilst you working out and that one track with the stretch and this rushhhhhh of him that puts a smile on ur face and she fataaak se gets off to listen to what made you smile ekdum se doesn’t get the beauty of the track but some tracks charloe wooooooosh bolkeeee all his feeeeels it brings along with…

Logic with music and feels can never get it just the way it is…!

Weird start hope it gets better ahead!!!! 

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