Thursday 10 November 2022

Chip Trippy!!!!!

 It’s beeeeeeen one chipppy trippy high already with the waking up!!!!!!!

Be it the last nights moemnt in deep sleep or this morning it’s absolute madness most beautiful form of madness if you think feeeeling him like living him like this in sleep and wake up it’s a contrast side of life ekdum seee!!!!!!

It’s that second of moment you wake up and there’s no him beside and it immmmediately makes you shut your eye and go back to sleep for a moment!!!!!

It’s that feeel charlie naaah I don’t belong here let’s get back to where we were at!

But then eventually have to wake up and deal with the reality…

Step out of the room and your mom had ordered some outfit for you and it was a white suit with blue birds all over it…..

If you don’t call this a sign a connection beyond dreams donno what else would be!!!!!

It’s the waaaaays somethings can dhadaaam se make you feeeel fill you up with those magic like vibes like suddenly in your mind you are again back in the flight mode just just happy……

Cause firstly the day started with you living his nose twitch expression after years even if be it in the dream the way first thing you see as you change side is that face of his and the waaaaaaaaay he brings his face closer with that very same expression what followed after and you pause with word after word cause again things and the way they can make you feeel is !!!!!!!!!!!!

There’s no high I say as beauuuuuuuuuutiful as this one that you are feeeelin right now !!!!!!!!!!

Miyaaaaaaaaaa you were missed beyooooooond levels of imagination I say!!!!!!!!!

Said it before will say it again if there’s any magic for real abiiiii k abiiiiii bas feeeeel hona uskuuu something atleast!!!!!!

For now workout done with a very happy mind and more importantly a very happy face for reasons loooooooved!!!!!!!

Absolute madness no how and what some moments can make you feeel like even be it living that one face in the dream bhi…….!

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