Wednesday 9 November 2022

Mornings n moments!!!!

 Day starts off with one moment that STRONG and you experience yet another one mid workout!!!!!!!

That one face in the world for you ayyyyyaaaaaaaaaaa HOW LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

Mid workout place the face towel on the side handle right then and there that very second his face right next to you white t shirt of his hair that beauuuuutifully messy face with all sweat takes your bottle of water and has water from it this was as friends……stays there for a bit leans over the treadmill side of yours checks how long is left for you to finish the workout and you just couldn’t take your eyes off that one curl of hair poking his one eye cause that’s how beauuuuuuutiful he looked that one stare of his smiiiiiiles that smile of his and moves his that side of face closer to you and smiiiiles that one amworkingmymagiconyou smile of his and moves that curl off his face……..

Again a moment where without you having said a word just the way your eyes trace that one eye one curl of his and tries to move closer as if asking you to move it yourself off his face and smiiiiiles that smile away and moves it away on his own stays for a bit and gets back witb his arm set!!!!

The waaaaaaaay that moemnt lived with him made you feeeel was beyond words!!!!!!

No wonder years after the waaaaay it’s been this clear in your head the exact same moment same vibe that whole beauuuty of that moemnt!!!!!!

His face his that one smile from the moemnt him coming closer and the smile after!!!!!!!

Decade later placing the face towel this one feeeeeel of living that moment!!!!!!

These two mornings be it yesterday or today this one feeeeeeel they have left you with is pure magic…

Workout done mind this beauuuutifully lost in all him it’s just this beautifully blank suddenly!!!!!

Another realisation you are more consistent with workout when posting selfies strange no somehow!!!!!

Morning happppppy now this beautifully lost face of today!!!!!

Nothing no face in the world could make you feel all this way all at once I sayyy!!!!!!

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