Wednesday 30 November 2022

Places n faces!!!!

 It's like you just needed to be somewhere where you can feeel him even more after that one moment of his face vision that you experienced in the middle of the cctv footage discussion!!

And the second you are there even at the gate of GVK the lit hardrock name the Starbucks which then was CCD the stairs there the security check where the second they ask you to stop to check you just stand there and watch people get on n off it but not a single one even close to similar to the waaaaay he just looked!!!!!!

It was like you were in awe of every move of his like stand there in awe of someone and just feeeeel that lucky to be in love finally!!!!!!!

To the sight of the lift there it's like that's one place in evry corner you feel him still live him still and HOW!!!!!!!!

going to GVK was after a very long time but the second you are there there's THAT much him there still charlie soon as you get off the car stand there looking at that ccd corner stairs down that very visual of him still standing there with wait on his face like that damn sure of you coming back for him like the second he sees you rushing back to him from that small hint of smile to that biggest smile flashing all over his face......should've seen his face in that very moment charlie like you witnessed the transition from that smile to that much Khushi of knowing you would for sure and to you that meant the world to just kn9w he knew you that well THAT WELL!!!!!!!!

First time hold him away like literally run to him and first question how did you know and just that beautiful silence in that moment like he just wanted to live that feel live that moment away!!

It was only much after the way like always he that beauuutifully defines that moment feel out...i just knew karely cause it felt like you were taken away like something jst pushed and I knew you will come back to me!!!!!

The bahana was ur fone that you tell hus sister to rush back to him cause something just didn't feel right like you had to correct something complete something fill up something and the second you hold him back that one feeeeeeeel charlie even writing it now ayyyaaaaaaa this very reason you avoided all this while to write out the feeeeeeels of GVK!!!!!!!!

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