Wednesday 9 November 2022

Just haaappppaaayy!!!!!

 It’s just beeeen these two beauuuuuutiful days that has made your heart thiiis biiiig haaaappppaaaaayaaayyyyy I say!!!!!!

Is also when you re realise for the godzillionth time where your absolute real sense of happyyyaaayyyness stays I say!!!!!!!

Miyaaaaaaaa tummmmm yeeeeeeee yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee zoooooor shooooooor doooooooorseeeeeee yaaaad aaaaare aaj kal thooooooo howleeeeeeeee if you had the lilst idea I swear how much you are looooooved and missedddddddd!!!!!!!

When even gin tonight feeeels soooo low cauuuse you are nistttt that beaauuuuutifullllly happpaaayyyyaaaayyyy high on him!!!!!!’

Saving thoooo bantaaaa bosssss!!!!!!!

Some sounds and visuals and memories attached to the beat of the sounds!!!!!!

String of pearls one touch and howwwww it flowssaaa along!!!!!!

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