Sunday 6 November 2022


 Days back this video call with vishu and the way she keeps mentioning over and over again as to how much you've changed as a person like more calm now different to what you were before and this yove realised lately but how even with changes outside this something in you could never only grew more transitioned more into something more beautiful.....

Said it before can say a zillion times over again definitely love him more now than you did before......

It just is that beautifully different.....

This week been tough handling stylists and collabs and this one stylist goes overboard losing her cool over a Uber driver that you sent the outfits with late that hour cause it was an urgent one......she kept screaming over the call about how the driver wasn't able to find her location with you over the call and you just had a smile on through n through the conversation cause there was a lucky Ali track playing in the backdrop of some series that your mom watching on tv.....

She is barely 20 something and that tone of voice that tone of conversation talking bout the struggle to just explain the uber driver the location makes you wonder sometimes how do they even call it a struggle?! Just that mere something becom3s a struggle that hard to deal with......

To the sudden change of opinion bout you with vishu which is also why you try and avoid as much as you can cause of the next big question don't you think shriya it would've better if you had some support to share your success with a partner not that you need any support but to just share your success and happiness with feels different when you have someone in your life.....evry single time nai charlie somebody has come up with a conversation or topic to do with partner love finding love it's this typical movie type of scene that you live through monents like these where the beautiful irony is 5hat the others see the empty side of you on the outside inside theres that flash of him that sudden moemnt sound echo of him that rushes throufbyou in that very moment....

As crazy as this sounds to write out and still you just want to in this moemnt everytime somebody commented had this conversation with you you have felt him all the more stronger with you it in some moment or tat night's dream for the way he would come on some day like that one specifically was that deeply connected with the moment you lived that day......

Like that extension of the moment with him and his presence, SOMETHUNGS you write and the way it sounds this beautifully crazy i say!!!!!!

A language of love that only you understand connect or relate with...!

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