Tuesday 15 November 2022

Morning sounds!!!!!!

 When you feeeeeel his presence after almost 3 days which was the longggggest ever that you went a day without feeling his presence…..like not a single dream all these days and when you feel him like this his whispers that tone of his voice again that saaaaame beauuuutoful feeeeel of a dilemma to just be happppppy now that he was finally here or to just go by what and how he sounded like it was a disturbed sound of whisper restlessness somehow just the way he sounded like just the waaaay his presence had that kinda vibe like he was troubled over something the waaaaay he was trying to get close over your shoulder finding that comfort spot the saaame way like he used to whispering something away that you couldn’t make sense of but that one feeeeeeel finallllu as you just hold his head and pull him a lil closer the waaaay he makes that same sound and then prolly was asleep…..like there was that all of you wanting to just turn and hold all of him away chummi him away cause it had been that long then there was that thing like always to just go by with how he wanted to be felt and held…

So you just stay that way also knowing you move and that moemnt too would be gone!!!!!!!

It was that feeeeeeeel charlie of reliving that same moment decades later even be it in the dream…yesterday too there was that beauuuutoful start to the day missing him not finding in the dream and waking up to the sound of kittuuuu in your house!!!!!!

Neighbour leaves her son and his friend at your place for a bit as she had to rush somewhere……

Beauty of some visuals being her sons name was shreyansh and the friends name kittuuu……but they call me shrey or Shreya for some reason…….

No Shreya no kittuuuuu like the whole of one hour you just don’t move away from the couch….watching them play watching them fight argue and strangely wanting them to argue cause they kept repeating the names amongst each other….just the sound charlie Shreya kittuuu them repeating and that one khushhiiiiiiiii like you skip work calls work out like everything else didn’t matter…

Some moments nai charlie have that beyond words kinda feeeeeel just the waaaaays they can make you feel is beyond everything else!!!!!!!

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