Friday 18 November 2022


 Still that state of mind to just hear him say the same thing to just feeel the same feeeeeeeeel of being held even writing it now this feeeeeeeel!!!!!! 

To workout done and just bout stretching legs face downwards and that very same second that visual of his from the Skype call cigarette in one hand blowing the smoke out that one look in his eyes and that slow in ishaara raising his eyebrows asking you what do you want!!!!!

It’s that one nod one stare that one face out of nowhere that exact same visual after years!!!!!!

Donno how donno why or what but the waaaaaaaaaaay it made you feee today SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!!!

It’s that feeel charlie living some feeel living some visual out of nowhere after a very very longest of times how or why you still donno!!!!!!

It’s already been one of those chip trippy mornings I say!!!!!

Whatta day already!!!!!

More of these happy high workouts wishes I say!!!!!

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