Monday 21 November 2022

86 Navy…!

 Just one of those days today it’s like lilst of moments to the epic moment of the day today when the mini Chetan walks into the studio all navy!!!!!!!!

Mind heart and soul just that happy today!!!!!!

Something’s you just donnoooo out of nowhere can give you that much happiness…..

It was almost like one of those tree dreams of yours almost in the waking version…

That mini Chetan dressed in all navy from the navy blue lil shirt to the navy pants and that biggest moment of magic being the pants had the number 86 written on the side…

That one moemnt you on the fone with the fabric guy and see that Chetan walkin with that swag and smile hands in pocket hang up the fone the very first question had to be what’s your name and the moment he says Am Chetan that one sound of Him rushes through you!!!!!!!

She definitely did become one of your most fav clients fataaaak se!!!!!!

Come back home and immediately change into your fav navy 86 jumper cause it’s his navy that says 1986 and sole reason you got it even being 3 sizes bigger almost as it was the last one on rack!

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if only you knew how awwwwwwwwwwwwwfully bad you were missed today!!!!!!

Save tho bantaaa bosss!!!!!!

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